Career summary
To be updated soon...
PhD and Diploma Theses
"Messung der Vorwärts-Rückwärts-Asymmetrien für Charm- und Bottom-Quarks bei Energien nahe der Z-Resonanz"
My PhD thesis, University of Wuppertal, 1996, WUB-DIS 96-7.
"Messung der Vorwärts-Rückwärts-Asymmetrie für Charm-Quarks auf der Z-Resonanz"
My Diploma thesis, University of Wuppertal, 1993, WUD 93-3.
Outreach Presentations
"Communication and Outreach
at the CERN Schools of Physics"
Talk given at the 28th IPPOG Meeting, Geneva, November 2024.
"The Large Hadron Collider - From Big Data to Physics Discovery"
M-Lecture (public talk), Mettmann, 2016.
( english version )
"Abendvortrag - Big Data im Wissenschaftlichen Umfeld"
Public talk given at the 2nd Big Data and Analytics Congress, Frankfurt, 2013.
"Ich habe Physik studiert, weil ich Informatik zu einseitig fand..."
Article in the Alumni Magazine of the University of Wuppertal, 2008.
Outreach Articles
"NextGen Triggers: Pioneering R&D for HL-HC Data Acquisition and Event Processing"
Article on NextGen Trigger funding project in EP Dapartment News, 2024.
"Physicists crowdsource pandemic problem-solving"
Article on Science-Responds community project in the Symmetry Magazine, 2020.
"COVID 19: The crisis and high-energy physics"
Article on the activities within the HEP community to help fighting the COVID 19 crisis in EP Department News, 2020.
"Managing scientific data at the exascale with Rucio"
Article on Rucio User Community Workshop in CERN Bulletin, 2018.
"Ein Tusch für den schnellen Blick"
Article on ATLAS Fast Physics Monitoring on, 2015.
"Licht ins Dunkel"
Article in ct magazin, 2015.
"Ein Ring sie zu finden: Ein Besuch beim CERN"
( feature article
Article in Heise Online, 2014.
"Thumbs up for Insertable B-Layer"
Article on IBL Technical Dsign Report, 2010.
"Let the Physics Begin"
Article in ATLAS blog on first 7 TeV collisions in ATLAS, 2010.
"Getting the picture"
Article on event scanning of very first collisions, 2010.
"Inner Detector software workshop at Ringberg castle"
Article on 2nd Ringberg software workshop, 2008.
"The Inner Detector software moves to Geant4"
Article on Inner Detector software project, 2004.
Career Networking Events
"ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb (hybrid) Career Networking Event 2021"
"ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb Career Networking (online) Event 2020"
"SARS-CoV-2 simulations go exascale to predict dramatic spike opening and cryptic pockets across the proteome"
Article in Nature Chemistry by Folding@Home, based on our volunteer computing including our HEP contributions, 2021.
ATLAS Early Event Scanning
Event displays we produced with the Early Event Scanning Group: