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Further information

CERN Schools of Physics

Deputy-Director, orgainising:

  • the European School of High-Energy Physics
  • the CERN Latin-American School of High-Energy Physics
  • the Asia-Europe-Pacific School of High-Energy Physics

Link to the CERN Schools of Physics homepage:

Links to recent schools: AEPSHEP 2024 , ESHEP 2023 , CLASHEP 2023 , ESHEP 2022


"Pattern Recognition in HEP - Track Reconstruction"

Lecture given at the Institut Pascal, October 2019 - Keynote with animations:

Version of this lecture given at the CERN Openlab Summer School:

Updated version, July 2015 - PDF: Keynote with animations:
Original version, July 2014 - PDF: Keynote with animations:

"Tracking at the LHC"

Lectures given at the University of Freiburg, April 2016:

Part 1 to 4 as PDF:

Keynote with animations:

Version of these lectures given at the US ATLAS Tracking Workshop, Berkeley, November 2013:

Part 1 to 5 as PDF:

Keynote with animations:

Version of these lectures given at the Belgian Dutch German Graduate School for Particle Physics (BND 2011), Hoenderloo, September 2011:

Part 1 to 6 as PDF:

Keynote with animations:

"Introduction to ATLAS (Offline) Software"

Tutorial given at the First ATLAS-SouthCaucasus Software/Computing Workshop and Tutorial, Tbilisi, October 2010.

"Tracking and B-Tagging"

Tutorial given at University of Bonn, January 2006.

Thesis Supervision

Robert Langenberg

"Analysis and Optimization of the Offline Software of the ATLAS Experiment at CERN", co-supervisor, CERN PhD Program, PhD in 2017 at Technical University of Munich.

Johanna Fleckner

"Tracking, b-Tagging and Measurement of the b-Jet Production Cross Section with the ATLAS Detector", co-supervisor, CERN PhD Program, PhD in 2011 at University of Mainz.

Miguel Branco,

"Distributed Data Management for Large Scale Applications", co-supervisor, CERN PhD Program, PhD in 2009 at University of Southampton.

Andreas Salzburger

"Track Simulation and Reconstruction in the ATLAS experiment", co-supervisor, CERN PhD Program, PhD in 2008 at University of Innsbruck.

Lukasz Janyst

"Selected aspects of the persistent Event Data Modelfor ATLAS experiment at LHC", co-supervisor, CERN Technical Student Program, Master Thesis 2008 at Jagiellonian University.

Andreas Wildauer

"Primary Vertex Finding, b-Tagging and Analysis of the Channel ttH, H->bb in the ATLAS Experiment", co-supervisor, CERN PhD Program, PhD in 2006 at University of Innsbruck.

Wolfgang Liebig

"A Precise Determination of the Forward Backward Asymmetry of b Quarks", co-supervisor, PhD in 2003 at University of Wuppertal, WUB-DIS 2003-10.

Klaus Mü̈nich

"Precision Measurement of the Forward-Backward Asymmetry of b-Quarks", co-supervisor, PhD in 2001 at University of Wuppertal, WUB-DIS 2001-2.

Thomas Brenke

"Determination of the Electroweak Mixing Angle sin2 θeff using the Forward-Backward Asymmetries of c and b Quarks", co-supervisor, PhD in 1998 at University of Wuppertal, WUB-DIS 98-17.

Patrick Sponholz

"Measurement of the Partial Decay Width of the Z into cc-Quark Pairs and the Multiplicity of Charm Quarks in b Decays", co-supervisor, PhD in 1998 at University of Wuppertal, WUB-DIS 98-16.

Stefan Fleck

"Reconstruction of D* Vector Mesons based on Particle Identification and Vertex Reconstruction", co-supervisor, Diploma in 1994 at University of Wuppertal, WUD 94-1.