Tracking Workshops

"Connecting the Dots" workshops on tracking algorithms, pattern recognition, machine learning and performance

Links to workshops: Toulouse 2023 , Princeton 2022 , Princeton (online) 2020 , Valencia (including WIT) 2019 , Seattle 2018 , Orsay (including WIT) 2017 , Vienna 2016 , Berkeley 2015

"Common Tracking Software Forum" meetings across experiments, under the umbrella of the HSF

Link to meetings: 1st meeting, 2015 , followup meetings on HSF indico page

Rucio Community Workshops

"Rucio Community" workshops on large scale scientific data management

Links to workshops: virtual 2021 , Fermilab (hybrid) 2020 , Oslo 2019 , CERN 2018

TESLA detector studies - Notes and TDR

"Brahms - A Monte Carlo for a Detector at a 500/800 GeV Linear Collider"

T.Behnke, G.Blair, M.Elsing, K.Harder, K.Mönig, V.Morgunov, M.Pohl and H.Vogt, Software Manual, DESY 2004.

"TESLA Technical Design Report - PART IV - A Detector for TESLA"

T.Behnke et al., TESLA TDR, DESY 2001.

"Performance study of the proposed TESLA detector using a realistic track reconstruction package"

T.Behnke, G.Blair, I.Bozovic, M.Elsing, K.Harder, R.Hawkings, K.Mönig, D.Wicke, LC-DET-2001-029, DESY 2001.

LHC-b Velo test beam - notes and TDR

"LHCb VELO (VErtex LOcator) : Technical Design Report"

P.R.Barbosa-Marinho et al., LHCb Collaboration, CERN-LHCC-2001-0011, Geneva 2001.

"Study of resolution of VELO test-beam telescope"

P.Bartalini et al., LHCb-2000-103, CERN 2000.

"VELO telescope resolution and efficiency measurements"

V.Wright et al., LHCb-2000-99, CERN 2000.

"Measurements of the signal shape of a silicon strip detector with SCTA readout"

P.Bartalini et al., LHCb-2000-098, CERN 2000.

LEP Electroweak Working Group Notes

"A Combination of Preliminary Electroweak Measurements and Constraints on the Standard Model"

Regular reports of the LEP Electroweak Working Group:
CERN-PH-EP-2007-039 , CERN-PH-EP-2006-042 , CERN-PH-EP-2005-051 , CERN-PH-EP-2004-069 , CERN-EP-2003-091 , CERN-EP-2002-091 , CERN-EP-2001-098 , CERN-PPE-97-154 , CERN-PPE-96-183

"Combination of the LEP 2 f̄f Results"

Regular reports of the LEPEWWG f̄f Subgroup:
LEP2FF/02-03 , LEP2FF/02-01 , LEP2FF/01-02 , LEP2FF/01-01 , LEP2FF/00-03 , LEP2FF/00-01

"Combination of Heavy Flavour Measurements at LEP2"

S.Blyth, M.Elsing, F.Fiedler, C.Goy, W.Liebig, S.Marcellini, LEPEWWG Heavy Flavour at LEP2 Subgroup, LEP2FF/00-02, Geneva 2000.

"Electroweak heavy flavour results presented at the 1999 winter conferences"

D.Abbaneo et al., LEP/SLD Heavy Flavour Working Group, CERN-OPEN-2000-001, Geneva 1999.

DELPHI Conference Notes

"Determination of Afb b using inclusive charge reconstruction and lifetime tagging at the Z pole"

multiple updates:
K. Munich et al., DELPHI 2003-057 CONF 677 and DELPHI 2004-028 CONF 703, Geneva 2003 ,
K. Munich et al., DELPHI 2001-048 CONF 476, Geneva 2001 ,
K. Munich et al., DELPHI 2001-027 MORIO CONF 468, Geneva 2001 ,
K. Munich et al., DELPHI 2000-102 OSAKA CONF 401, Geneva 2000

"A measurement of the Cross Section Ratio Rb and the Forward-Backward Asymmetry Ab_FB for bb Events with the DELPHI Detector at LEP2"

multiple updates:
E. Brodet et al., DELPHI 2001-016 MORIO CONF 457 and DELPHI 2001-095 CONF 523, Geneva 2001 ,
K.Cieslik et al., DELPHI 2000-129 OSAKA CONF 428, Geneva 2000 ,
K.Cieslik et al., DELPHI 2000-038 MORIO CONF 356, Geneva 2000 .

"A measurement of the cross-section ratios for flavour tagged events at energies of 183 and 189 GeV"

P.M.Kluit, T.Lesiak, M.Elsing and W.Liebig, DELPHI 99-99 HEP99 CONF 286, Geneva 1999.

"Measurements of the Z Partial Decay Width into cc and Multiplicity of Charm Quarks per b Decay"

multiple updates:
DELPHI 99-43 MORIO CONF 242, Geneva 1999 ,
D. Bloch et al., DELPHI 98-120 ICHEP98 CONF 181, Geneva 1998 .

"Measurement of the forward-backward asymmetry of c and b quarks at the Z pole using reconstructed D mesons"

Th. Brenke, M. Elsing and P.Sponholz, DELPHI 98-121 ICHEP98 CONF 182, Geneva 1998.

"Measurement of A_FB bb in Hadronic Z Decays Using a Jet Charge Technique"

B.Überschär et al., DELPHI 98-103 ICHEP98 CONF 171, Geneva 1998.

"Measurement of R_c and n_c from charm counting in hadronic Z events"

Th.Brenke, M.Elsing and P.Sponholz, DELPHI 98-41 PHYS 771, Geneva 1998.

"Summary of R_c measurements in DELPHI"

multiple updates:
D.Bloch et al., DELPHI 96-110 Warsaw CONF 37, Geneva 1996 ,
D.Bloch et al., DELPHI 96-30 PHYS 604, Geneva 1996.

"Update of the double tag measurement of Gamma_c/Gamma_h and P_c -> D*+ using inclusive D*±"

D.Bloch, T.Brenke, M.Elsing, J.-P.Engel and P.Sponholz, DELPHI Collaboriation, DELPHI 96-33 Warsaw PHYS 606, Geneva 1996.

"Measurement of the Forward-Backward Asymmetries e+e- -> Z -> bb and e+e- -> Z -> cc"

P.Antilogus et al., DELPHI 95-87 Brussels PHYS 522, Geneva 1995.

"DELPHI Results on Electroweak Physics with Quarks contributed to the Glasgow conference"

DELPHI 94-111 Glasgow PHYS 428, Geneva 1994.

"Measurement of the Forward-Backward Asymmetry of charm and bottom Quarks at the Z Pole using D*± Mesons"

M.Elsing, DELPHI 94-95 Glasgow PHYS 412, Geneva 1994.

"A Measurement of the Charm Quark Asymmetry at the Z Pole"

M.Elsing, DELPHI 92-51 Dallas PHYS 172, Geneva 1992.

DELPHI Technical Notes

"Changes in the track reconstruction to recover from the TPC sector 6 failure"

M.Elsing, P.Kluit, D.Liko, D.Wicke and J.Wickens, DELPHI 2001-004 TRACK 95, Geneva 2001.

"Ensuring long time access to DELPHI data : the IDEA project"

T.Camporesi et al., DELPHI 2000-151 PROG 241, Geneva 2000.

"Improvements to SKELANA for Version 2.0"

F.Cossutti et al., DELPHI 99-175 PROG 239, Geneva 1999.

"The new ID + VD track search in DELANA"

M.Elsing, DELPHI 99-171 TRACK 95, Geneva 1999.

"Summary of the updates in the DELPHI forward tracking to include the VFT"

M.Elsing, DELPHI 98-5 PROG 227 TRACK 91, Geneva 1998.

"The Silicon Tracker in the DELPHI Experiment at LEP2"

The Silicon Tracker Group, DELPHI 97-121 Jerus. CONF 103, Geneva 1997.

"Calibration of the DELPHI dE/dx for 1991 F and 1992 D data" (no file linked)

J.Dahm, M.Elsing, M.Reale, DELPHI 95-48 TRACK 81, Geneva 1995.